
Established as an HEI site in 1995 and an independent institution since the year 2000, Aschaffenburg UAS provides the region of the so-called Bavarian Lower Main as we well as the Rhine-Main-Area with academically skilled work force in the fields of engineering, business, law and at the crossroads of these disciplines; so far, nearly 7,500 students have graduated from the university. Currently, approximately 3,500 students are enrolled and more than 110 professors, nearly 300 academic and non-academic staff are employed in the two faculties (Engineering; Business Administration and Law) as well as in administration services. As of the winter term 2021/22, the university awarded degrees for 17 bachelor’s and five master’s programmes. All programmes are fully accredited according to German law or in the process. Soft skills are particularly important for the students, as about 70 % of them have a non-academic background and need special support when entering the academic job market. The Rhine-Main-Area is home to both national and international corporations as well as to small and medium-sized companies. Therefore, these enterprises need academics who also master socially demanding situations including foreign languages and intercultural challenges. Aschaffenburg UAS has implemented these aspects not only into its degree programmes but also into both mission statement and strategy. Cooperation with companies also ensures a regular knowledge exchange between the HEI and free enterprises as well as a strong practice-orientation of the degree programmes. Applied Research focuses on automotive, materials and signal technology, but also intercultural skills.

Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg
Technische Hochschule Aschaffenburg

Würzburger Straße 45
63743 Aschaffenburg
Shaping The Engineers' Personal and Interpersonal Skills for Enterprises & Univiersities