Knowledge capsules

Knowledge capsules

Teaching material, in the form of “knowledge capsules” will be prepared by Partners in order to enable any institution interested in the Project’s outcome to organize courses aimed at filling the skills gaps.

The courses can be addressed to university students (both bachelor’s and master’s level students as well as so called second chance students), consultants, managers.

The material will be prepared in the form of powerpoints, short case studies, exercises, selfassessment tests, learning tests. The material will be available in electronic form and openly usable.

The innovation in the approach will be on the incremental and flexible form of the “capsules”, that will allow any institution in EU to customize the new implementation within its existing curriculum.

The mentioned approach is expected to provide the maximum impact because it will be very easy to implement the project’s results for any interested institution willing to teach the new curriculum, as well as the transferability of the project outcomes that will be fully applicable for a wide variety of stakeholders.

Shaping The Engineers' Personal and Interpersonal Skills for Enterprises & Univiersities