10-11 January 2024 - Milano - ItalyChatLearn Conference – 2-3 May 2024 – Wien

The paper has been presented at the Chatlearn Conference https://www.wu.ac.at/en/aipm/chatlearn-project held in Wien, 2-3 May 2024.

 PURPOSE. As Artificial Intelligence (AI) continues its rapid advancement, it increasingly permeates diverse domains of business operations, notably in management contexts. Furthermore, AI’s evolution positions it as a pivotal transformative force, facilitating the seamless integration and augmentation of skills within pedagogical paradigms. This research endeavors to elucidate the predominant AI tools cited in literature for the purpose of learning and training soft skills, and to discern the specific soft skills effectively stimulated through the utilization of these frequently cited AI tools. The soft skills identified are subsequently mapped to the standards set forth by the International Project Management Association (IPMA) for assessing competencies areas within project management contexts.

 Findings. Resourcefulness – characterized by characterized by problem solving and decision making, analytical, critical, creative and system thinking – is notably cultivated and honed through interactions with AI technologies. Robots, games and virtual reality result as the most cited AI tools employed for learning and training soft skills. The pronounced effect observed when employing gaming as a platform for training and learning is particularly noteworthy.

 Originality/value. Reconducting these skills to the IPMA-ICB4 People Competence Areas, the findings contribute to a deeper understanding of how AI-driven tools can be leveraged as a “coach” or a “partner” to cultivate essential soft skills among PM practitioners, thereby enriching educational strategies and professional development initiatives in the field.

 Keywords: Artificial Intelligence; Soft skills; Project Management; Robots; Game Based Learning; Virtual Reality; Training; Learning

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