Main results of WP 2Report of the overall situation of the baseline competencies in EU with a section for each country

WP2 Results

The main result of Work Package n° 2 will have the form of a report defining a competence baseline for Engineers and Technical Personnel in general working in project oriented organizations (POO) or project based organizations (PBO), and, based on that competence baseline, understanding which competencies are currently the most desired and the hardest to find on the market from the perspective of enterprises’ CEO and HR managers.

This report will be built on performing a need analysis together with advisory board members, associated partners and stakeholders in general, investigating the need for specific and innovative competencies that project oriented organizations (POO) and project based organizations (PBO) have regarding their Engineering and Technical Personnel involved in their project activities both as project managers or project team members.

The need analysis will be performed via surveys at the beginning, to collect preliminary information, and, later, via focus groups, to confirm and dig deeper the collected information. The target group of these activities will be CEOs and HR managers of the selected companies. This report will constitute the basis of any other project activities. The innovation in the approach will be based on the baseline of competencies that will request the target group to think “out of the box”, asking which competencies – not only technical – are needed by Engineers and Technical Personnel. The baseline used for that purpose will be based on the IPMA ICB and integrated with additional competencies by the Partners, so that the resulting competence baseline will be totally innovative and can be applied to any other entity and organization in the EU working on the same purpose.

This result will be very innovative because it will be the first time that the topic of transversal competencies for Engineers and Technical Personnel s addressed in such a broad way. It will be transferable to all stakeholders, in EU and outside.


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