Main results of WP 3Report on the gaps detected and definition of curriculum needed to fill the gap

Main results of WP 3Report on the gaps detected and definition of curriculum needed to fill the gap

Based on project WP2 Result 1, Partners will focus on the competencies that have been identified as the most wanted and scarce in the market from the enterprises perspective, and will analyse the situation within Engineers and Technical Personell population, using associations and organizations engaged as associated Partners and members of the advisory board, in order to define which are the competency gaps in current Engineers and Technical Personnel on the market, and, consequently, define a curriculum to fill this gap.

The need analysis will be based on the findings of the first report (project result 1), then the Partners will jointly draft a standard questionnaire aiming to define if and how much the desired competencies are available in the current Engineers and Technical Personnel population. The questionnaire will be mainly based on the questionnaire platform of Aschaffenburg University of Applied Sciences, which allows multiple languages in parallel. Each single Partner will administer the questionnaire to the target groups of Engineers and Technical Personnel. At the end, the coordinating Partners (UCSC and TUAS) will analyse the results and make a report available for the rest of the Partners.
The findings will be discussed during the Transnational Meeting3 in Finland, focusing on the gaps identified, and finally define the new curriculum to fill the competence gaps detected. The regional difference in the findings will be also discussed and highlighted in the final version. The Project Result 2, as the other ones, will be perfectly transferable to all the stakeholders.


Shaping The Engineers' Personal and Interpersonal Skills for Enterprises & Univiersities